The OAW tool consists of two modules (OAW and JavaScript Engine), so it is necessary to download and install both. Each module has two parts (source code and documentation). "OAW source code" is available in "Rastreador OAW WCAG 2.1 - Versión 5.0.4 OAW - Código fuente" "OAW documentation" is available in "Rastreador OAW WCAG 2.1 - Versión 5.0.4 OAW - Documentación" "JavaScript Engine source code" is available in "OAW WCAG 2.1 - Versión 1.5.3 motor JavaScript - Código fuente" "JavaScript Engine documentation" is available in "OAW WCAG 2.1 - Versión 1.5.3 motor JavaScript - Documentación" "Translation to English" is available in "Translation files (English)"